One of my goals is to try and complete one thing a day that i have been falling behind on. Between the dentist yesterday and feeling not so great today, I have now fallen behind. So In order to keep up with my schedule, tomorrow I will working on a pair of pajama pants for DH. The PuuChuu toy and After my trip to the fabric store, the bathroom rug. Keep on me about this.
The list:
2 pairs of pajama pants for daughter
3 pairs of pajama pants for husband (1 completed)
quilt for fireplace
Bathroom Rug
average of 1 batch of CP soap a week
Quilt for Queen-sized bed
Liz's quilt
Olive's quilt
H&I Quilt
Daughter's cosplay costumes
My Cosplay costume
Fleece pullover for daughter
Throw for daughter's bed
Stuffed animal hanger for daughter's room
Bathroom Curtain
Crocheted sweater for work
Crocheted tunics
soot sprite
boot slippers
crochet tabi (have to alter a pattern or convert a knit one to crochet)
sweater for self
sweater for daughter
And that is what I have started on or in the works. I need to clear some room in the stash areas, so keep on me people. Otherwise I will get lazy, again.
Hello, Ohio!
5 days ago
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